The approximate storage required per title is as follows:
- Bibliographic data = 20 KB
- JPEG 400 pixel image = 35 KB.
Please use this information to calculate the required storage for the number of records included with your data license. The amount of data and storage requirements will vary per data license. Contact the Data Services team to find out the current number of titles that are included within the subscription you are considering.
A Note about Database Management Systems
The Ingram FTP data service contains a very large amount of data. When selecting a relational database software product and the supporting hardware, you will need to keep in mind that certain minimum requirements need to be met in order for the data to be manipulated efficiently.
The size of your tables will vary, depending on the number of fields you choose to index. You should consider building indexes on a number of fields based on your customer-searching requirements (e.g., EAN, keyword, author, and publication date).
Note: Each index created will use additional hard disk space. To allow more efficient use of the database management capabilities, do not fill the computer’s hard drive to more than 50% capacity.
System requirements related to platform, memory, hard drive space, operating system, and Internet browser are dependent upon the database system or application, virtual bookstore application requirements, the amount of data being utilized from the Ingram FTP data service, and the number of database indexes. Please contact your database management system provider if you need assistance in determining hardware system requirements.
Note: Microsoft® ACCESS can be used as the database management system but is not recommended if using a large portion of the data available through the Ingram FTP data service (over 2 GB). With the ever-growing number of titles available through Ingram, performance issues and other limitations could be encountered with MS ACCESS. MS ACCESS may be an option if you're working with a slice of 500,000 titles or less.