The Ingram ONIX Standard offering is a modified version of the industry-standard full ONIX® file,
ONIX Standard includes a subset of 11 benchmark bibliographic elements.
- Title
- First Contributor
- Language
- First BISAC code
- Product Form Code (example: Code to indicate Paperback/softback)
- Publisher Imprint
- Publishing Status
- Full Publisher Marketing Description
- Sales Rights
ONIX Standard contains the bibliographic information for the following products actively carried by Ingram Book Group LLC:
- Audiobooks
- Books
- Bibles
- Calendars
- Church supplies
- Music books
- Software/multimedia
- Videos
- Video games
When you subscribe to ONIX Standard, you also receive access to our FTP Inventory files.
Depending on your subscription, you may also have access to Ingram data (some proprietary) that is not in ONIX-formatted files. If you are interested in adding other files to your subscription, please contact Data Sales: