Our Titles Basic Plus package expands on our Titles Basic package, keeping the essentials and adding access to a few popular files. The titles file for this package is in a pipe-delimited format and is updated weekly.
Titles Basic Plus Package
Data points within the Titles file include:
- Title
- ONE contributor with role (first contributor provided by publisher, usually author)
- Edition
- Abridged
- Large Print Indicator
- BISAC Binding Type
- ONE subject category designation (first BISAC subject category designation provided by publisher)
- Publisher Imprint
- Spring Arbor Flag
- Accessory Code
Other files included in this package:
- Full Publisher Marketing Description
- Family Data (links formats of the same work together)
- Cover Images provided in JPG 400 (400 pixels on the longest side).
- Access to our Inventory files
There are 2 options with the Titles Basic Plus Package:
- Active titles (includes all titles that are available to order from Ingram, including titles available to backorder)
- Active and Extended titles (Extended includes out of print titles as well as titles that may be available through other distributors but that are not available through Ingram)
Note: If you'd like to add other files to your package, please contact Data Sales: data.sales@ingramcontent.com.